Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Our last Day went really well. We set up quickly with no problems. After setting up I went and sat on a bench and saw there was a patient in their bed outside with their family. I didn’t see who the patient was but I guessed old. Some women in her late 20’s was with them and kissed the patient on the cheek but continuously doing it and then burst into tears. I walked over to be slightly noisy and realized that the patient was only in his late 20’s or so as well. All the time being at the hospice and nothing really hit me, but seeing that did. I felt pretty bad having a celebration day while his family where probably spending the last couple days with him.

Celebration day went well and I reckon all the patients and their family really enjoyed the final outcome and the fact that it was a little different to all the other stuff they had done. I went round listening to all the others and kinda realized that everyone’s video kind of seemed maybe a little bit more opened. I also notice people seemed more closer to there patients and I reckon I was avoiding having some heart to heart conversation, by joking around and stuff and I kind of regret that although I did enjoy joking around and I did hear some good stories. The day was good and won’t be forgotten for a long time!

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