Thursday, June 24, 2010

Zoot Suit

Where do I start? We began the day with a few people come to talk to us who are supporters at St Christopher’s Hospice. At first I thought it wasn’t necessary or that there wouldn’t be much to say, but I was far from wrong. It has been a journey for all of us as a group and I feel I have built relationships with people I didn’t mix with before the project and after an hour or so of talking I began to realise how much of an effect it was having on individuals and as a group. Yet upsetting at times, so far there has been an inspiring and positive atmosphere. We decided that we would set the table out differently to the following workshops to benefit both the patients and our class.

Showing Jimmy my progress with the doll was such a great feeling, as the look on his face showed it wasn’t what he had expected. As he used to wear a ‘Zoot Suit’ so we began the workshop sketching out what the final garments will look like and made a start on the shoes. I taught him how to blanket stitch and was thrilled that he picked it up so quickly. Throughout the workshop Jimmy and I had a good chat with each other and also with Matt and Ron who were sat next to us. As I was the only girl I was an obvious target for teasing! As a pair we accomplished a lot and the counselling at the beginning really helped with everyone’s moods and confidence. It was such a lovely day and the weather was beautiful so I left the hospice feeling refreshed and hopeful for the upcoming weeks. It is going to make me quite upset when we finish the project but will stay with me for life.

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