Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Celebration Day

I was so excited about this day and as it neared I didn’t know what to expect and if it would go well. The sun was shining when we arrived and we began to start setting up outside with tables and work that we had made throughout the project. The cross stitch packs looked so amazing and the mood board I had made full of the photos of everyone was so nice to look at when entering the pavilion. Then we began to lay out the dolls and get the laptops ready, everyone was helping each other. Once they were set up, we turned on the video and projected it onto the faces of the dolls. I have never been so moved by anything in my life when I watched the videos. The animations looked lovely, and on a whole the instillation was wonderful.

People started to arrive and created the buzz we wanted. Everyone was chatting and making new friends and it felt like such a nice atmosphere. When Jimmy arrived I was so thrilled by the look on his face when I introduced him to my doll. When we first met, craft wasn’t his thing, but on Celebration Day he told me that I had got him into it. The quilt had been completed and was hanging at the back on the room. Instead of a guest book we decided that people would sign the quilt talking about their experiences and how it had been for them. One signing was really moving which said ‘In memory of Nancy. Who was a lovely friend and loved every minute of your workshops’ which made me really happy.

Although it was a really beautiful day, there were some things that made me realise where we were. A family were outside with a young man in a hospital bed, although they were beyond upset it made me smile to think our instillation brought a tiny bit of happiness to them on that day.

Overall, I will always remember this day and project for the rest of my life. I have got so much from the project if it be experience, confidence in craft and most of all amazing friendships with all ages.

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